As a composer, and a performer, there can be no question of Mozarts genius, however, what is genius defined as? The main definition is that genius is a very great and rare innate ability or skill- it is a creative power. It is therefore clear that Mozart was in fact a genius in his music; it does no state anywhere, however, that a genius also has to have a divine personality and behaviour and this is clear as Mozart is shown in Amadeus as a silly, scatological, childish and infantile man. To be a genius in one aspect of the mind, such as music, could mean that other parts of the mind are inhibited, such as social skills. An evident and major theme in Amadeus is exploring how a genius functions in a society and how society hinders and…show more content…Historically, there is evidence from Mozarts own written letters that there was some sort of antagonism between Salieri and Mozart, If he is allied with Salieri, I wont ever get a thing out of him.

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