The difference between alcohol dementia and dementia is that alcohol dementia is a form of dementia caused by a long term use of alcohol and excessively drinking to the point where the individual suffers from memory loss due to neurological damage to the brain. With dementia there is the person does not suffer from alcohol abuse. Alcohol dementia can cause very serious brain complications and ten percent of patients diagnosed with alcohol dementia have a history of extended alcohol abuse.People that suffer from dementia also suffer from memory loss but not due to abuse of alcohol or other drugs. With dementia you have a serious loss of your cognitive ability, this is also like the old age illness known as Alzheimer’s disease. These symptoms result from a brain injury in the past, or a progressive injury or even if you are suffering from a disease in the body. It is found that people that are diagnosed with cancer are soon later diagnosed with dementia as time passes.Long term consequences from both of these illnesses are very severe.

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